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Student Activities & Clubs

Here is a current list of opportunities for students to be more involved in River Ridge.

Fine Arts:

Click here to go to the Fine Arts department page

  • Band
  • Chorus
  • Drama
  • Orchestra


Click here to go to the RRHS Athletics website

Clubs & Organizations:

Clubs & Organizations Eligible Grades Supervisor Deadline, Dates, Meeting Location and Times Application Link if Required Purpose 
American Sign Language (ASL) 9th-12th David Harrison Weekly/Bi-Weekly 7:30 am   Vocab Practice, Deaf Games, Holiday Vocab & Crafts, National Deaf Awareness month (Sept), interpreting National Anthem for school events, possible trips to local ES & MS
Dance Team 9th-12th Jennifer Schultz Weekly; time TBD TBD-Price of uniform/gear Students will put together a choreographed routine to perform at basketball games and pep rallies.
Diversity Awareness Program 9th-12th Heather Nelson Natalia Dinsmoor Wednesdays 3:15-4:15 room 1112   To appreciate, educate, advocate and celebrate all the diverse cultures and backgrounds at RRHS
Drama Club 9th-12th Rod Fields M-Th 3:30 - 6:30 as needed for rehearsals $50 dues per production Produce theatrical producations after school, produce 1-act production for GHSA competition, train students to compete at GHSA Literary Meet
Earth Club 9th-12th Elisabeth League Mi Tran Wednesdays at 3:20   Focus on raising environmental awareness and providing opportunities for students to address environment issues
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) 9th-12th Blake Davis Michelle Chamberlain Fridays at 7:30am   Allow students of faith to have a place to congregate and worship together
First Priority 9th-12th Conner Barton Michelle Chamberlain Tuesdays at 7:45am   Christian Ministry
Friend's Club 9th-12th Karri Flaherty, Caitlin Gelatka Jessica Camp 1st Thursday of each month in the Media Center $10 dues for new member T-shirt To cultivate friendships between students in the MI/MO department and the general education; to build upon the character traits needed to become compassionate and successful adults
Future Georgia Educators 9th-12th Erin Heinzer 1X month room 1111 $10 for T-Shirt Identify, recruit, prepare and retain the next generation of Georgia teachers
GLOW Club 9th-12th Leigh Becigneul MaryJo Mulvey 3:15-4:15 weekly   To provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ students and their allies
Knight Watch Media Club 9th-12th James Dinsmoor  Once a week TBD $20 T-shirt & Press Pass Film extracurricular events, Edit highlights and hype videos.  Produce content for scoreboard.
Motorsports Club 9th-12th Phil Money 1X week None Get together each week to talk about races from the weekend.
Traveling Symphony 9th-12th Brian Roman 1X per week AM   Plan to perform at the Reeves House, Nursing homes, community centers and County Arts Festival
Pickleball Club 9th-12th Mary Bisgrove Connor Barton 5:30pm every Mon. ($TBD) for T-Shirt & equipment Students will practice and play pickleball for fun, or can be a part of final tournament near end of 1st semester.
PTSA Student Ambassadors 9th-12th Terry Strassner 1 or 2X month after school Must have paid PTSA dues To work closely with PTSA in decision making and improvements to our school
SALT (Student Athlete Leadership Team) 9th-12th Tara Dugan, Jennifer Schultz Julie Winfield Cecil Phillips Tuesdays once a month   Empower students to make an impact through action in their local communities
SGA 9th-12th TBA 2X month $15 dues; Application Promote the development of students' skills in leadership, program organization, communication, initiative and self-reliance


Academic Clubs & Curricular Organizations:

Academic Clubs & Curricular Organization Eligible Grades Supervisor Deadline, Dates, Meeting Location and Times Application Link if Required Purpose
AP Ambassadors 9th-12th Ansley Sand David Harrison TBD   To serve as advocates for the AP Program within RRHS.  Must have completed or is currently enrolled in an AP Class.  Students must be nominated by an AP Teacher and them complete application and interview for position.
Computer Science Honor Society (CSHS) 9th-12th Beckie Lee Before school Qtrly $15 induction; $10 renewal Promote a love for business and marketing
DECA 9th-12th Katie Thompson 2nd & 4th Thur of every month before school New Members $50  Returning $25 Prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management
FCCLA 9th-12th Allison Talley TBA $30 Help students and teachers focus on a variety of youth concerns, including parenting, family relationships, substance abuse, peer pressure, sustainability, nutrition and fitness, teen violence, and career prep in four specific Career Pathways
French Club 9th-12th Florence Thompsen 1st Wednesday of each month $30 Cultural crafts, cooking and activities
French Honor Society 9th-12th Florence Thompsen Same time as French Club $10 Crafts and Cultural Activities, Food and blankets for pet shelters
HOSA-Future Health Professionals 3.0 & Interest in Healthcare Callie Davis 1-2X a month 7:45 in room 1303 $60 Enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development
Jazz Band 9th-12th Josh Tyree 1X week-November $60  
Mu Alpha Theta-Math Team 10 - 12th Adrian Gibson Twice a month after school $10 dues, Requires 3.0 Math GPA To encourage & promote the development of mathematical skills, critical thinking and problem solving
Nat'l ART Honor Society 10 - 12th MaryJo Mulvey Chris Akins Twice a month before school $45 dues, must take art with an A average Promote art within the community
Nat'l Beta Club 10 - 12th Amanda Day   Deanna Madison Meet once a month $40 dues 1st year, $15 after that, must maintain an 89.5 GPA Organization that recognizes high academic achievement, promotes character and social responsibility; encourages service involvement to school and community
Nat'l English Honor Society 10 - 12th Tony Giles     Ryan Strasser 2nd Thursday each month room 1109 $40 dues, 90 or better GPA by invitation Confer national distinction upon secondary school students for high achievement in English Language Arts, build a national community of academic achievers, encourage interest in ELA, foster literacy and provide cultural stimulation in HS environment
Nat'l Honor Society 10 - 12th Tony Giles    Ryan Strasser Conner Barton 3rd Wednesday each month $60 dues, 93 GPA or higher Create enthusiasm for scholarships to stimulate a desire to render service to promote leadership and to develop character in the students at secondary schools
Nat'l Social Studies Honor Society (Rho Kappa) 10 - 12th Ansley Sand    Joy Schumacher Once a month $30 dues, 3.0 GPA Promote scholarships and to recognize academic excellence in social studies
Reading Bowl Team (R3B) 9 - 12th Keara Rubin as needed in the library   To read, study and compete competitively in local, District, Regional and State Reading Bowl competitions
Science Olympiad 9 - 12th Heather Bellini Tuesdays 3:20 - 4pm in room 2108 $50 dues Increase student participation and diversity in STEM through competition
SkillsUSA 9th-12th James Dinsmoor Jonathan Jeffers Lee Whitaker 1-2 meetings monthly before or after school $50 A career technical organization designed to enhance practical job-related skills, foster community among its members, increase knowledge of current job related trends, practices and future technologies
Tome Student Literacy Society 9 - 12th Keara Rubin Every other Thursday at 7:45 in Media Center $20 dues Promote multiple literacies among students through service, collaboration, competition-based club activities, RRHS literary magazine and clean entertaining encouraging literature. 
Tri-Music Honor Society 9th-12th D. Allison Baccala 7:30am every other week $30 dues; 3.0 GPA, 4.0 in Music Focus on future leaders in music and music advocacy.  Recognize students that have gone above and beyond both academically and musically.
TSA-Technology Student Assoc. 9th-12th Judi Haggerty 1 Thursday a month at 3:20 room 1308 $50 Dedicated to Middle and HS students enrolled or previously enrolled or that have an interest in engineering & technology education pathway and STEM educations programs


JROTC Organizations:

JROTC Eligible Grades Supervisor Deadline, Dates, Meeting Location and Times Application Link if Required Purpose
Aeronautics 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   Hands-on drone fly/training
Archery 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese W 6:30 - 7:45   Promote the teaching of Target Archery
Cyber Patriot 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   Learn to defend operating systems, compete Nation-wide, and prey for cybersecurity
Drill 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese W 3:15 - 4:15   Practice precision drill maneuvers
Event Planning 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese W 7:45 - 8:10   Plan, Organize and control Unit Operations/Events
Female Step 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese W 3:15 - 4:15   Practice precision Drill/Step Maneuvers
Kitty Hawk Honor Society 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   Tutor and promote Academic Achievement
Leadership Academic Bowl 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   Prep for College exams and raise SAT/ACT scores
Mission Support 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Tu 7:30-8:00 & 3:15-4:15   Manage uniform & cadet database
Model Rocketry 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   To acquaint cadets with the importance of rocketry and its role in the future
Raiders 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Tu, W, Th 4-5:30   Train for organized Athletic Challenges
Recruitment 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese W 7:45 - 8:10   Promote JROTC to RRHS and feeder schools
Robotics 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   Build Robotic models & compete
Orienteering 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese W 3:15 - 4:15   Sport of Navigation
Stellar Exploration 9th-12th Major Ayers & Chief Deese Th 3:15 - 4:15   Construct & Track Airborne Satellite systems