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Career Technology Instruction (CTI)

The Georgia Career and Technical Instruction support service is designed to support students with disabilities enrolled in Career, Technical and Agricultural Education classes. The goal of the secondary (grades 9-12) level services is to provide these students with job-entry skills at the completion of the CTAE experience. The role of the career and technical instruction coordinator is to provide resource assistance to students with disabilities served under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) in the CTAE program and to coordinate the services needed for the learner to acquire his/her goal of job placement.

  • Provide support services to students with disabilities enrolled in a Career, Technical and Agricultural.
  • Enable students to acquire entry-level job skills through a CTAE education plan.
  • Coordinate student's course of study with short and long-range career goals through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
  • Participate in the development of the transition section of an IEP.
  • Provide Work Based Learning experience.

Instructor:  Gabby Garza