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Diagnostics/Clinical Lab

Healthcare Science Intro
Callie Davis
Healthcare Science Photos


Course Title: Introduction to Healthcare Science

Description of course: Introduction to Healthcare Science is the foundational course for all Health Science pathways and is a prerequisite for all other Healthcare Science pathway courses. This course will enable students to receive initial exposure to the many Healthcare Science careers as well as employability, communication, and technology skills necessary in the healthcare industry. The concepts of human growth and development, interaction with patients and family members, health, wellness, and preventative care are evaluated, as well as the legal, ethical responsibilities of today’s healthcare provider. Fundamental healthcare skills development is initiated including microbiology, basic life support and first aid. This course will provide students with a competitive edge to be the better candidate for either entry into the healthcare global marketplace and/or the post-secondary institution of their choice to continue their education and training.

Pre-requisite: None


Course Title: Essentials of Healthcare Science

Description of course: Anatomy and Physiology is a vital part of most healthcare post-secondary education programs. The Essentials of Healthcare is a medical-focused anatomy course addressing the physiology of each body system, along with the investigation of common diseases, disorders and emerging diseases. The prevention of disease and the diagnosis and treatment that might be utilized are addressed, along with medical terminology related to each system. This course provides an opportunity to demonstrate technical skills that enforce the goal of helping students make connections between medical procedures and the pathophysiology of diseases and disorders.

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Healthcare Science


Course Title: Clinical Laboratory Science I

Description of course: The goal of this course is to provide fundamental clinical laboratory assistant skills and knowledge that includes the use of laboratory equipment, safety in the lab, quality control and quality assurance, chemistry, and microbiology.  Students will have the opportunity to explore careers in the clinical lab industry and the education required at each level.  Students will be prepared to continue their education at a post-secondary institution, and/or take the external medical lab assistant assessment resulting in an industry credential.  Participation in demonstrations, discussions, cooperative learning groups, and laboratory investigations is expected.  Students will be required to work independently and as a member of a team.

Pre-requisites: Introduction to Healthcare Science and Essentials of Healthcare