Instructor: Katie Thompson
Course 1: Marketing Principles
Course Description: This course introduces the student to the major segments of the Sports and Entertainment Industry and the social and economic impact the industry has on the local, state, national, and global economies. The products and services offered to consumers and the impact of marketing on these products and services are examined.
Course Description: This course introduces the student to the major segments of the Sports and Entertainment Industry and the social and economic impact the industry has on the local, state, national, and global economies. The products and services offered to consumers and the impact of marketing on these products and services are examined.
Course 2: Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Course Description: This course introduces the student to the major segments of the Sports and Entertainment Industry and the social and economic impact the industry has on the local, state, national, and global economies. The products and services offered to consumers and the impact of marketing on these products and services are examined.
Course 3: Advanced Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Course Description: This course provides students opportunities to develop managerial and analytical skills and deepen their knowledge in sports/entertainment marketing. Topical units include: Marketing Information Management, Selling, Publicity/Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Management of Promotion, Product Mix, Pricing, Positioning, and Marketing Planning.
Course 4: Marketing Research (Optional & Not required for Pathway Completion)
Course Description: In this course, high school students will gain an understanding of marketing research and the role it plays in the field of marketing. By using primary and secondary research, the students will learn the value of knowing the customer and be able to identify a viable target market. Through the exploration of survey techniques, students will be aware of different methods of discovering information that is beneficial to the successful implementation of a marketing plan. By planning and implementing a data collection experiment, students will learn to examine research design and collection methods, treatments, control groups, experimental units, random assignment and replication, and the identification of possible sources of bias and placebo effects. Exposure to career possibilities and ethical issues are also important aspects to this course.
Related Links to Marketing
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